2015年4月5日 星期日

Postcard Wall 明信片牆

因而藉由明信片, 將這份感動, 傳達至遠方。

I've been keeping a postcard wall like this since we moved in Sherman Apartment in Evanston. In the beginning, I just needed something to decorate our wall but have no intention to spend a penny on it. So, I thought a number of postcards may serve the same purpose since we had been collecting some from our trips and friends traveling.

Now the size of the display has been enlarged as the number grows...... 

Iv'e always enjoyed sitting on the sofa, looked at the wall and spontaneously one of them caught my eye. Then it recalled something to mind. That could be a friendship, a memory with someone you love, or a city you've always wanted to go but your friend went alone. I believe this sense of achievement is more than anything we can have. 

When surrounding by those messages, I am certain I'm loved and always can find a meaning of life. :)

