2012年10月1日 星期一

Happy Birthday to Me!

My birth month is ending by the end of Sep. 30th! 
Thanks for all my beloved friends and family for all the wishes. 

It started with a very nice lunch with two lovely friends who make me feel lucky to move to this area...

Continued with an unexpected basket of beautiful flowers and the best afternoon tea after we came to the states arranging by my dearest hubby...

Went on with a gathering with many of our new friends hosted by one of my favorite Taiwanese friends who also surprised me with a little Tiramisu and a lovely gift...

And completed with a fascinating gift from one of my best friends from back home although she is in Australia currently. 

And... of course all the wishes from the old friends in Taiwan and Chicago... I can't imagine how I can live without you. 

Love all of you forever! :)

