2012年5月16日 星期三

第一杯自製咖啡 My first homemade coffee

I have been dreaming of having my own coffee store where people can always find a place to read, talk and meet people. A place full of the smell of coffee always makes me feel I am embraced. Actually I am a tea person more than a coffee one, so I used to enjoy smelling coffee more than drinking it. However, recently I found some nice coffee beans and they completely changed my mind. Coffee can be really nice if you get a good one!! :)))

A nice coffee with cream and cinnamon on the top...
It's almost heaven when you smell and drink it.

一邊看著書, 一邊聽著窗外的雨聲, 一邊呼吸著咖啡的香味, 是一種無法言喻的幸福滋味!!!

